Training weight loss

11 Best Exercises to get six pack abs Of All Time

5. The Advanced Leg Raise

The Advanced Leg Raise

As described in the previous step that leg raise is a difficult exercise but once you have mastered in leg raise, you can shift to the advanced leg raise. It involves straightening the leg in front instead of bending it. This works wonders for the abs and gluteal.

Begin with 3 to 5 reps in 5 sets and aim at getting to 15 reps in 5 sets.

4. Cardio Activity


Cardio activity is the one that many people don’t pay attention to however it is a very important step for anyone aiming at the perfect abs. it is not directly involved in burning the muscles, but it helps to burn the fats and helps in flattening the belly by burning the fats. If you think like cardio activity is all about running then that’s not a fact. The workouts like spinning, jumping rope, swimming, etc. are also a type of cardio activity.

For better fats burning, include at least 20-25 minutes of cardio workout once a week. But, for ideal results include twenty minutes of cardio workout twice or twice a week.

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