Training weight loss

11 Best Exercises to get six pack abs Of All Time

7. The Advanced Russian Twist

The Advanced Russian Twist

After being adept in the Russian twist you can shift towards the advanced Russian twist which is one level up to the previous one. This workout involves raising the feet a few inches above the ground before starting and remain in the same position throughout the whole workout. This is a very effective way to burn the fats in the abs.

Begin with 1 set of 10 reps and advance to 3 sets of 15 reps.

6. The Leg Raise

The leg raise focus mainly on your abs, however,  also have a great impact on your entire core and upper arms and shoulders, it is by far the most effective and difficult abdominal exercise one can do. This is a workout for those who have attained good strength already and now focussed on specific areas.  

Start with 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps and move to 15 in 5 sets.

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