Training weight loss

11 Best Exercises to get six pack abs Of All Time

You want to have rock hard abs and don’t know how to start and where to start from?

First, you need to do two things

  • Reduce your belly fats
  • Exercise regularly especially those that are focused on building six-pack abs.

Building up muscles and strengthening them is not an easy task at all. What matters the most is what you choose to start with. This article aims at providing you some best exercises aimed at building rock hard abs, especially the exercise on number 8 works magic.

11. Cable Crunch

cable crunch

This exercise directly affects the abdominal muscles by keeping the weight on the knees and bending down from the waist, contracting the upper part of the body towards the knees and thighs, and hence make the abs to do work.

It is suggested to take 15 to 20 reps in three sets.

10. Standard Crunches

 11 Best Exercises for Killer Abs 2. Standard Crunches  Standard crunches

Standard crunches also work on the abdominal muscles and build the muscles but this exercise has no role in the burning of fats so can’t be regarded as a whole core. However, it is a good addition to your abs workout. In the beginning, it may hurt your back, which gradually fades away.

You can start with one set of 15-25 reps and then shift towards two sets after some time.

please use the “Keep on reading” button to continue reading , you will find what it’s best to do instead on the last page —

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