Many people when they start an exercise program get frustrated when they notice that they do not lose weight immediately or some people notice that while in the beginning they had some loss, as time goes by the weight loss becomes more difficult, since the numbers on the scales do not change. As a result, they stop exercising.
But what really happens and why shouldn’t we be disappointed?
When we decide to engage in a daily physical activity from a sedentary lifestyle, our body reacts to the stress of exercise and makes some necessary changes that will help it meet the new requirements of the body.
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-Muscles increase in size as a result of muscle cell hypertrophy. Increased protein retains a similar amount of water.
– Quantitatively increase specific structures inside cells that contribute to oxygen transport
– The percentage of glycogen increases and binds water
-The connective tissue shrinks in thickness and hardens
-The total blood volume increases.
At the same time, however, fat stores are reduced as they are used as a source of energy during exercise, so body composition changes, ie fluid increases, lean body mass (especially muscle tissue), and at the same time body fat decreases. So these changes can be neutralized by each other and there is no weight loss but we have gained the reduction of body fat which is very important.
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Once the above changes have taken place and you continue to follow your exercise program faithfully with your usual caloric intake, weight loss will be achieved. If you are going to reach your weight stabilization point while you want to lose more, you need to increase your total workout volume.
So don’t give up your weapons easily, and remember that with the right training and nutrition, you can have ONLY benefits.